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Complete methodological training and expand your pedagogical horizons!

Start using character education in practice and shape yourself and students. 


We organize methodical trainings,where you will experience seminars, try working with the methodology and learn practical information about the program.


After completing the methodological training, you will be able to open an Academy club at your school, either for students or colleagues. 

Metodický tréning Akadémie možno absolvovať aj ako súčasť Plánu profesijného rozvoja pedagogických zamestnancov a odborných zamestnancov. (Viac o profesijnom rozvoji.)

Methodical training of the Great Works Academy so far graduated 372 teachers from all over Slovakia.

Náš metodický tréning je pre vás vhodný, ak vás:

  • zaujíma charakterové vzdelávanie...


  • nadchýňajú silné príbehy a oslovuje krása umenia...


  • láka dozvedieť sa viac o tom, ako dokážete pomôcť študentom (a učiteľom) skutočne prekvitať a stať sa hrdinami vlastného príbehu...


  • zaujíma, ako sa dá budovať charakter mladých ľudí prostredníctvom veľkých umeleckých diel a máte chuť odhalovať ich krásu a hodnoty...


  • nabíjajú energiou dobré vzťahy s mladými ľuďmi ako aj medzi dospelými...


  • bavia podnetné formy a inšpirujúce metódy neformálneho vzdelávania a chceli by ste spoznať princípy, na akých stojí Akadémia veľkých diel a prakticky si ich vyskúšať....


  • obohacuje zapojenie sa do komunity podobne zmýšľajúcich, ktorí túžia ísť na hĺbku a odhaliť zmysel prostredníctvom poctivého uvažovania a podnetnej diskusie...


  • napĺňa túžba dozvedieť sa viac o cieľoch nášho vzdelávania, o inšpirujúcej roli učiteľa a lektora Akadémie a chceli by ste si toto všetko zažiť na vlastnej koži...

  • teší pomyslenie "vypadnúť na chvíľu" zo zabehnutých koľají, na zmenu prostredia, na sebarozvoj a znovuobjavenie motivácie a máte chuť zažiť príjemne a aktívne strávený čas

Current trainings

The team of lecturers and mentors cordially invites you to methodical training in the form of discussion seminars and webinars. Registration via the online form is now open.


Invite other colleagues to the unique program of the Great Works Academy. We are already looking forward to joint meetings and stimulating discussions. The story inspires, the discussion shapes, the teacher accompanies.

Anchor 1

It was great. Such an approach focused on deep understanding, thinking of students and working with original works should be common in school, not only as a form of club.

- training participant

The whole training was a great benefit for me. Every single work we've discussed has "made" me think again about things I may not be thinking about as much as I need to. It was great to work in a group of people whose interpretation fills like me.

- participants in the training

I liked everything - from the organization, access, help, selection of works, communication ... I think you will play very well.

- training participant

What awaits you in training?



from the position of a teacher





with discussion


great works



from the position of a student

In the trainings we deal with the following questions:
  • How to engage students more in the educational process and why is it necessary?

  • How to conduct a discussion with students? 

  • How to ask questions correctly and involve as many students as possible? 

  • What does it mean to teach art "from the inside out"? 

  • How to develop a student's character through stories? 

  • What does the role of the "invisible" teacher look like and why is it important?

  • How does a teacher create an atmosphere of trust and improve relationships with students?

  • How do great works in individual genres (painting, music, literature, film) draw students into the discussion?

  • How to work with these works?

  • What are great works and how do we choose them?

  • How is the methodology of the Academy built, how does it help us and how to use it?

  • How to develop reading comprehension, critical thinking and the ability to concentrate?

For the first time, I experienced that dialogue can be discovered, that real dialogue is not just about exchanging replicas, but based on listening to each other. It appeals to me very much that this method is based on the attitude of humility before the text, and can therefore shape the character of the teacher, and of course the student.

Lucia Čandíková, teacher

Gymnasium of St. Mikuláša v  Old  Ľubovni

I consider it most beneficial that it was really training and not just theoretical lectures. At the same time, I consider the whole event by the organizers to be perfectly prepared. Big thanks!

Peter Lazový,  the teacher

Gymnasium of St. Families in Bratislava

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