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Break out of boredom. Reach for beauty and look for what makes sense.

We read worthwhile stories, listen to good music, get to know significant paintings, watch quality films.

Thanks to this, we build friendships, get to know the world and ourselves, learn to communicate our opinions and look for answers to important questions.


Being in the Academy is experiencing real education.

student Petra,  Piarist Joint School of St. Jozef Kalazaský in Nitra

How does it work?

  1. The preparation should not take you more than 2 hours. We accept shorter, timeless works.

  2. We don't learn the works by heart, but we discuss the important themes they open up.

  3. We test critical thinking and reading literacy without grading. You can see your improvement that way.

  4. We have our own online library and mobile application. You will find works, preparation and additional materials there.

  5. You can also complete the academy as part of the DofE - it can be one of your goals

All practical information about the program in one place.

  • The Academy of Great Works at the school is opened by a teacher who completed the Academy's methodical training.

  • The Academy Club can have 7-15 members.

  • Seminars in the Academy's clubs always open at the beginning of the school year (the first seminars start in October) and end at the beginning of June.


  • During the entire school year, students attend 20-25 discussion seminars.

  • The Academy seminar takes place once a week and lasts 90 minutes.

  • The dates of the seminars (day, time, place) are determined by the students together with the teacher at the school by mutual agreement.

  • Club meetings of the Academy of Great Works for high school students take place face-to-face at the school.

  • Each participant has access to an online library that contains all the great works.

How much does the program cost?

The real price of the program in 2022/2023 per student is 800 euros. Thanks to our partners and received grants, the student's tuition is for a year 160 euros,with the fact that the student can also apply for a scholarship.

This price includes

  • a modern online library with film, literary, musical and visual works for 25 seminars including assignments, short preparation, supplementary materials and feedback.

  • 20-25 discussion seminars designed according to the model of the best foreign educational institutions, aimed at the development of critical thinking, reading literacy, concentration and the ability to discuss culturedly

  • professional reading comprehension tests at the beginning and end of the program to show the student's progress during this period

  • final certificate

It may seem like a lot, but it is 6 euros per seminar. 6 euros for the accessible work, an hour and a half of high-quality discussion, for tests and the work of the people who prepared the methodology. 6 euros, that's the price of one pizza, 2 coffees and maybe 3 beers. Compared to a seminar, it is less likely that pizza, coffee or beer will develop thinking, lead to the discovery of great works, inspiring discussions and thus change lives.

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"Our daughter, as well as us, has been enriched by more detailed and at the same time broader perspectives. It has given us the freedom to see anything good in the works. It has allowed us to appreciate the diversity of viewpoints. It was an honor for both you and us to witness your work this year. It is valuable, interesting, and enriching. May it become a part of every school and every ordinary class schedule in the future."

mother of a graduate of the Academy

Student newsletter

Academy students receive a newsletter once a week with inspirations and offers for high school students. If you do not currently visit the Akadémie club but would not be interested in such content, it doesn't matter! Watch the newsletter samples, fill out the short form below and we will send inspiring content to you as well.


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