Inspirational reading
Stories from Academy
Academy in the media
Academy in the media
M. Duranková - What are we like when no one is watching? Porta libri podcast
Loving each other is human I make mistakes, Mental Health League campaign
M. Duranková - education Home is home, RTVS podcast
WITH. Bricklayer: How to feed children who are already full Postoj - Blog
J. Urban: Let's take care to have a motivated and passionate mind Attitude - Blog
Art is a way to better understand the reality in which we live Boundless love
E. Porubcová: To be a role model, a teacher needs to constantly develop Attitude - Blog
Podcast Innovations in approaches to young people - M. Duranková O. Z. MORE
L. Muržicová: If we want to grow, we need to have open discussions together EDUWORLD
The Academy of Great Works does not train teachers, but develops them EDUWORLD
Every student should read PlatoEDUWORLD
We offer a buffet - just take what you need GOOD SCHOOL
We don't want them to just scroll through Instagram. Even Shakespeare or Tolkien are cool Attitude
.behind the scenes: How to teach teachers and students to think critically? .a week
How to shape the mind and character of pupils? GOOD SCHOOL